Sometimes choosing the best wine to pair at the restaurant, can be very challenging, and a lot of key factors are evaluated: brand, price, experience. So here comes an original initiative by Restaurant Veritas in Naples: a customized wine list, with more than 400 Italian wines, all by the glass. Customers can choose up to among 20 different bottles, already opened or drink a bottle up to the end, choosing to open a new one. This new one will replace the bottles ended before or by other customers. The wine list will be then always renewed, fresh and original. This is almost a game, according to Stefano Giancotti, owner of Veritas restaurant, who decided to offer wines by the glass at a very competitive price. Giancotti is a forerunner as he showed year ago, by introducing the BYOB policy or the wine bag, if customers do not drink all the wine at the restaurant.
But wine dummies can count on Salvatore Maresca, maître and sommelier at Veritas, a long experienced young man, who is ready to support customers in the best choice, meeting those who wants to taste more wines during the same night or enjoy the dinner with a sole bottle.
Such an innovative initiative is coupled to a fine cuisine, by chef Gianluca D’Agostino, who joined Veritas in 2010, after several key experiences in top restaurants, in Italy and abroad; among others, Locanda Locatelli in London and Don Alfonso 1890, in Sant’Agata de’ Goti.
Well, such a young enthusiastic team is outstanding and hopefully, this way-out admirable trend involves more Campania restaurants.
Veritas Restaurant
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 141
Tel. 081.660585
Customized wine list @ Veritas Restaurant in Naples

Diana Cataldo
Giornalista ed imprenditrice nel settore della comunicazione e del marketing territoriale, ha alle spalle una lunga esperienza come responsabile di uffici stampa ed attività di promozione per manifestazioni, fiere ed eventi sul territorio nazionale ed internazionale, in collaborazione con diversi enti pubblici e soggetti privati. Vive in Irpinia ed è oggi amministratore della società Miriade & Partners S.r.l. e direttrice del portale Campania Stories.
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